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The Place to find info for Sim City, The Sims, and more!

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Welcome to SimCity.htmlplanet.com

SimCity.htmlplanet.com has been designed for faster page loads, easier access to all sorts of information, and a even better look. Come and look around the site to see it all. Check out the tip of the day at the bottom of the page, including tips for Sim City 4, The Sims, and Sim City 3000; and dont forget to vote in the newley revised poll.























Welcome to SimCity.htmlplanet.com

To find out more  about each section of the site, hold your mouse over the link for a short second for a description of the link.
Also, don't forget to check out the poll below.

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Sim City 3000

Cheat Codes

Sim Knowledge


Sim City 2000

Cheat Codes

Sim Knowledge


The Sims

Cheat Codes

Sim Knowledge


Other Sim Games

Sim Knowledge













  Last Updated December 21, 2003  Thank You for Visiting and come again soon.    #104210